martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Pub Gobs of the World

My first go at Blogging was littered with typos. Not like me, but forgiveness accepted.
OK. Today we're doing the vast masses of repeat a fact and make yourself look clever,'` 
Pub Gobbers.' This twat-like animal is to be found in all corners of the TV and Radio 
covered World. These near-flung corners are inevitably flooded with tabloidal drivel to 
ensure the Pub Gobber will always have someone elses thoughts or opinions readily 
available to be flaunted as their own. The delivery techniques of presenters and admired
somebody's are often borrowed by the P.G.s. As are the parroted throw-away lines; 
regurgitated clichés;  knowing nods; smart-arse poses etc. The P.G. is, in fact, a shallow
thinking parody of a parrot.
Challenge their opions and you will be talked to as though you were the one who needs a 
brain. Offer a conflicting thought and it will be disparragingly rammed down you throat.
Total conviction is their domain. 'All knowing' is their aura, and humility is a word that they
have never understood nor a feeling that they will ever experience.

Today's challenge: Go to any pub, club, winebar etc. and do a P.G. impersonation. Your
subject will be - How the media provides the Common Man with his opinions. To protect
you from B.H. I strongly recommend that you do not use the 'P.G.'  reference. Stick to
calling him "the Common Man" and you will be safe. In a P.G.'s mind he is not a common 

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

New Philosophy for Old

I'm new to this 'bloggy' buisness so if I commit heresey or just screw up on protocols and political correctness, it will be purely intentional. WARNING: This blog area is not recommended for anyone of a staid position, reserved attitudes, religious convictions, sexual convictions, narrow mind, narrow hips, and suffers easily. This is A FREEMIND area where I free mine.

Let's look at PHILOSOPHY. One word with so much depth should be shielded from the likes of me.
I am the NEW Philospher. My philisophy makes nonsense of the old "if you can't prove it does it mean it doesn't exist?" mental chunderings. René Descartes was the nutter who philosophed the much repeated "I think, therefore I am," nonsense. What about those por comatose brain-dead  buggers, eh. They don't think, therefore they don't exist!. 
This is the typical "sounds brainy, so it must be really deep philosophy" that the 'average' thinker/drinker likes to spout without a clue as to what their mouths have just issued. Let's call these people 'Pub Gobs'. 

"Take it philosophically" - If ever there was a stupid piece of advice, this is it. Cut the fingers, toes and sexual bits off of a philospher and see how they take it! 

"Why worry?" - if the problem has a solution you have no need to worry. If it doesn't then, again, there's no need to worry. WHAT total, utter crap. The twat who dreamed this up didn't take into account one minor factor. Worry is caused by NOT knowing. So let's re-write this as it should be...
Worry when you don't know if a problem has a solution or not.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is near enough to hear it fall - does it make a sound?
Of course it does. Try this one:  A deaf man falls out of a plane that's 5 miles up in the sky. If no one sees him hit the ground or ever finds his body, is he dead? No, he landed in a forest and knocked down the tree that broke his fall and saved his life - and no one heard the tree fall! The man died from being too far from the nearest person who could have saved him from starving to death and thusfore never managed to tell his story. As for the tree that fell and no one heard it - how do they know that a tree fell? 

Please contribute generously. Criticisms will be treated without the contempt that they deserve.